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Ayurvedic Basis
Ayurvedic Basis

n order to appreciate the pharmaceutical preparations of Ayurveda, it is necessary to have a glance into the physiological and pharmacological basis of Ayurveda.

Physiological Basis

In order to appreciate the pharmaceutical preparations of Ayurveda, it is necessary to have a glance into the physiological and pharmacological basis of Ayurveda. Ayurveda visualizes the whole of the human structure and function as a single unit. This unit represents the rest of the universe in itself. As per this concept, the human body is composed of 24 elements termed as Chaturvemsati tatwas. The three functional forces known as "Tridoshas", the seven structural elements termed as "Sapatadhatus", the three types of excreta known as "Thrimalas", the five sensory organs known as "Panchagyanendriyas" and five motor organs known as Panchakarmendriyas, the intelect, termed as buddhi in association with consciousness termed as Atma form the quantum mechanical body. Each of these constitutuent represent the rest of universe in itself. Of all these 24 elements, Ayurveda deals to strech, about the three functional force known as Tridoshas.

Vata : The somatic initiating force is concerned with control of mental and physiological processes involving transmission or motility. For example, the functions of respiration, circulation, excretion, conduction of impulses. From Biochemistry piont of view, functions of Vata are identified to those of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine.

Pitta :is concerned with all physiological functions where thermogenesis is required. Functions such as digestion, assimilation, metabolism, mental phenomena such as intellectual conception, comprehension etc. Moderne physiology would include the functions of Pitta to those of Catecholamines and activities of many enzymes produced both at systemic and cellular levels and endocrine secretions.

Kapha :The functions of Kapha include the maintenance of structural integrity by means of adhesion, stability, immunity and conservation of energy. Functions of specific membranous secretions (e.g. Synovial fluid, pericardial fluid and Plural fluid), immunoglobulins and histamine are comparable to the activities of Kapha.

A summary of the various functions of tridoshas can be seen in Tridoshic Functions

Under normal conditions thridoshas remain in their equilibrium and regulate different physiological functions, to form the functional basis of health. When body is subjectd to extrinsic and intrinsic factors, these functional forces undergo morbid changes to manifest in the onset and progression of diasease. The word Dosha implies to that "which can be vitiated".

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