basis of Ayurveda.
In order to explain the phenomenal effects of herbs,
minerals, animal derivatives on the human body, Ayurveda laid its
fundamental emphasis on the evolution of nature. It recognizes a
common structural and functional force governing the human physiology
and rest of the universe at molecular level. Deriving the leads
mainly, from the Sankhya Darshana of Maharishi Kapila, it has
postulated the theory of panchmaha bhoota.
I : Functions of Thridoshas
Dosha Functions in a cell Functions in human
* Transmission of impulses, food, excreta etc.
* Cell division.
* Digestion.
* Metabolism.
* Energy regulation.
* Structural integrity. Resitance to wear &
* Conservation of energy.
* Transmition of impulses
* Respiration
* Mobility
* Blood circulation & thereby transfer of
nutrients, cellular wastes.
* Mobility.
* Reproduction & regeneration.
* Intellectual perception & motivation.
* Digestion & metabolism both at systemic &
cellular levels.
* Thermoregulation.
* Functions of cellular enzymes & endocrine
* Natural pigmentation & complexion.
* Intelectual conception & comprehension.
* Inter Adhesion & stability to structures,
cellular & intracellular bonding.
* Protection to tissues from physiological
injury-membranous secretions.
* Immunity.
Maintenance stability & determination.
of Panchabhutas
According to this theory, whole universe comprising
both living and non-living - is composed of 5 primordial elements
viz. Prithwi, Ap, Tejo Vayu and Akas’a.
The properties and presence of these primordial elements has been
proved illustratively. For example, if the structure of an atom is
studied, the proton and nucleus represent the Prithwi, the
property of which is stable. Electrons that revolve around this
nucleus represent Vayu. The energy levels of electrons
represents Agni. The force binding each electron to its orbit
is due to the presence of Jala bhoota, while the Akas’a
is represented by the interorbital space.
The variability or a similarity of mater in structure
or properties is conferred to the matter by not only the ratio but
also, configuration of the five primordial elements. Ayurveda
describes the Bhoutik predominance in 7 kinds of tissues of
human body, (vis. Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Medo, Asthi, Majja &
Shukra dhatus) of tridoshas based upon their physical properties.
Table 2 shows the Bhoutik predominance of these 10 structural
and functional elements.
TABLE II : Bhoutik
predominance in various components of human body
Name of the component
Bhoutik predominance
: Structural components
(Plasma, Lymph)
(Blood constituents)
(Muscular tissue)
(Adipose tissue)
(Bone & cartilage)
(Myeloid tissue)
(Reproductive element, including cellular
reproduction & regeneration)
Jala + Prithwi
Agni + Prithwi
Prithwi + Jala
Prithwi + Agni
Prithwi + Vayu
Prithwi + Akasa
Vayu + Jala
: Functional components.
Vayu + Akasa
Agni + Jala/Prithwi
Prithwi + Jala