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Ayurvedic Uterine tonics for female reproductive health.


  • Leucorrhoea and uterus Complaints
  • Soreness and burning in the genital tract and intense itching with odema of vagina.
  • Corrects menstrual cycle in woman and helps in the development and maturation of the ovum
  • Backache, Lower abdominal pain and painful sexual act


                    Price: Rs 250.00
                    Pack Size: 500 Gram
         No Courier charges within Kerala

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Key ingredients:

Ayurveda texts and modern research back the following facts:

Aswagantha (Withania Somnifera),The roots are aphrodisiac and stimulant,has immuno-stimulant action widely used in impotency, oligospermia and arthritis.Extract from the roots can be used in the treatment of dropsy, disorders of female, hiccup, dropsy, rheumatism, and cough. It is used in weaknesses to gain strength.

Madhusnuhi (Smilax china Linn), in treating skin diseases, allergic urticaria, gonorrhoea, syphilis,cervical nodes enlargements,fistula, non healing ulcer and abscess.

Moosli (Curculigo orchioides),improves complexion and is useful in general debility, deafness, cough, asthma, piles, skin diseases, impotence, jaundice, urinary disorders etc.It is a reputed rasayana drug and a good aphrodisiac.

Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), because of its diuretic action, it can be used in relieving urinary retention, where structural anomaly is not the cause for the retention.It is also quite useful in relieving water retention as in case of adverse effects of long term use of steroids.

Directions for use:

Twice daily with milk or warm water


10 - 15 grams twice daily

Pack size:

500 Gram

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Do not use this information to diagnose or treat your problem without consulting your doctor.